Signs of Estrogen Dominance: What That Means & How to Fix It
By Britni Vincent, RD, LD
March 10, 2025
A woman’s natural lifecycle includes lots of hormone changes. Puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause —the changes never stop! I have a special interest in hormones, after struggling with hormonal imbalance in the past. I have witnessed countless times the positive impact lifestyle changes can have on hormone health, allowing women (and men too!) to feel their best.
Hormones are responsible for SO much in the body.
Where do you start and how do you know if your hormones are out of balance in the first place? Those are common questions I discuss with my nutrition counseling clients.
What is estrogen dominance?
I often start by explaining estrogen dominance, because this can be the cause of many hormonal symptoms. This may be a completely new term for you (as it often is for my clients).
Estrogen dominance means that your body has too much estrogen in comparison to progesterone. Estrogen and progesterone production naturally fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, but they should work in balance. For many reasons that I’ll touch on, it’s easy for them to become imbalanced. Unfortunately, estrogen dominance is very common in women of all ages and occurring more frequently even in men (and has been linked to prostate cancer).
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Common Indicators of Estrogen Dominance:
- Endometriosis
- Acne along jaw line or chin, especially cystic acne
- Headaches/migraines that are triggered by period or ovulation
- Menstrual cramps
- Hot flashes
- Weight gain in hips and thighs
- Uterine fibroids
- Fibrocystic breasts
- Mood changes during menstrual cycle and during perimenopause
- Infertility
- Hair loss
How Does A Body Become Estrogen Dominant
Like I mentioned before, estrogen dominance occurs when the ratio between estrogen and progesterone is imbalanced. This can occur from a few different scenarios.
You have too much estrogen and the ratio compared to your progesterone is imbalanced. This is the most common.
You have low progesterone and therefore in comparison to your estrogen you have estrogen dominance.
You could have both too much estrogen and low progesterone making the ratio between estrogen and progesterone even more imbalanced.
Estrogen Dominance During the Menstruating Year
The reality is that many women, and men for that matter, have too much estrogen.
This can be caused by:
Your body is making too much estrogen. A very common reason for this is body fat, fat cells (especially visceral fat) actually produce estrogen. There can be genetic factors that can also contribute to this.
Your body can’t detoxify estrogen efficiently. Ideally your liver should be detoxifying excess estrogen and then your gut eliminates it through having a bowel movement. If your liver doesn’t efficiently detoxify or your gut is unhealthy then estrogen accumulates in your body. Specifically, if you aren’t having a daily bowel movement your body isn’t eliminating what your liver has packaged up for removal, contributing to estrogen dominance. Dysbiosis (too much of the bad gut bugs) can also contribute to estrogen dominance, by preventing estrogen excretion, causing reabsorption in the body.
You’re exposed to xenoestrogens. These are chemicals in the environment that mimic estrogen in your body. Xenoestrogens are found everywhere from lotion, make up, household cleaning supplies, plastics, tap water, commercially raised animals, pesticides and the list goes on and on. The good news is that you can familiarize yourself with where these hormone disruptors hide and reduce your exposure. The Skin Deep Database is a great resource to see how toxic your products are and find healthier alternatives.
You have taken birth control pills. Most birth control pills contain estrogen so you’re giving your body more estrogen and preventing ovulation, which reduces progesterone production.
And of course, it could be all of the above or a combo of some of them.
Not having enough progesterone can be the cause or contribute to estrogen dominance. Here are some reasons for that:
You don't ovulate. If you don’t ovulate that means you have low progesterone, because progesterone production increases after ovulation. A cycle shorter than 21 days and longer than 35 days is likely an anovulatory cycle.
You have taken birth control pills. Birth control pills prevent ovulation, consequently reducing progesterone production. Some IUDs can also reduce progesterone.
You have experienced chronic stress. Chronic stress can reduce progesterone production.
Estrogen Dominance During Perimenopause and Menopause
Yes, it is true that your estrogen, specifically your estradiol that is made in your ovaries, starts to reduce during perimenopause. Estradiol is the most prominent and potent form of estrogen made during your menstruating years. When you hit menopause your ovaries will stop producing large amounts of estradiol. During perimenopause and menopause your body will continue making estrone, another form of estrogen, primarily from your fat cells and adrenal glands.
During perimenopause progesterone production has a more significant drop when you begin to ovulate less frequently (your cycles get longer or shorter). Progesterone production comes to a halt when you are menopausal. So even though your body is producing significantly less estrogen, it is possible for some women to still be estrogen dominant during perimenopause and menopause. This will depend on how much estrogen your fat cells produce, how you metabolize estrogen, your gut health, and how well you detoxify estrogen.
What To Do For Estrogen Dominance
We have helped women and men of all ages rebalance their hormones through diet, lifestyle, and supplementation. We look beneath the symptoms to see what is actually causing the problems. Choices you make daily can make a profound impact on your overall health, including hormones.
As we work with people, we look at the person holistically and put together a plan that will restore balance. That plan will include:
Real Food:
Our first recommendation is to eat real food. We are nutritionists so naturally our brains think about food first. Eating real, whole foods can help improve estrogen dominance by supporting the body's natural hormone balance. A diet that emphasizes high-fiber vegetables, protein (meat, eggs, fish and seafood) and healthy fats (like avocados, nuts, and seeds) supports liver detoxification, gut health, and hormone metabolism.
Reduce/Eliminate Sugar:
Sugar and processed carbohydrates promote inflammation and cause imbalanced blood sugar. Over time this can cause your hormones to get out of balance too.
Consumption of sugar-laden foods causes your blood sugar to rise, which puts a lot of stress on the body. And it is not just sugary foods, but highly processed carbohydrates like pasta, breads, crackers and pizza that also turn into sugar in the body and affect blood sugar levels.
High sugar has a negative effect on hormones. Sugar can contribute to estrogen dominance through various mechanisms.
High sugar consumption overtime causes elevated insulin, increased insulin can increase estrogen production in the body.
Sugar can negatively affect your liver function and gut health, impacting how effectively you’re detoxifying.
Having elevated glucose throughout the day puts stress on the adrenal glands, which can impact hormone balance.
Lastly, sugar intake contributes to fat storage and fat cells will produce more estrogen.
Keep Your Blood Sugar Balanced
Keeping your blood sugar balanced is the fundamental piece to balance hormones. So how do you keep your blood sugar balanced? You eat a balance of protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates at every meal and snack. Here are two particularly important food tips when it comes to balancing hormones:
Replace those processed carbohydrates with lots of veggies. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, and Bok choy are especially beneficial because they help your body detox the excess estrogens. This will reduce estrogen dominance.
The fiber in veggies also helps to promote a healthy gut, which is a key to hormone balance. Research has shown a diet high in fiber has been associated with lower circulating estrogens.
Consume plenty of healthy fats. Fats are necessary for hormone production, so you want to make sure you’re consuming healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, grass fed butter, unrefined coconut oil, avocado oil and nuts. These healthy fats are also important for balancing blood sugar, you can think of fat as the anchor for your blood sugar. Avoid refined oils (seed oils) like canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil and cottonseed oil. These inflammatory fats can contribute to inflammation and imbalanced hormones.
Supplements for Estrogen Dominance:
Helping your body get rid of toxic estrogens may be difficult to do with just food alone. It is best to discuss this with a nutritionist to determine what the best supplements for your body are. Here are a few go-to products for healthy hormone balance:
Estro I-3-C
Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is a naturally occurring compound that comes from cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, Bok choy). In addition to eating these vegetables, a concentrated form of these vegetable compounds can be found in Estro I-3-C. This supplement also contains DIM, a compound that I-3-C creates in the body. The combination of the two in supplement form has been found to be very beneficial.
Here are particularly interesting insights from recent research and how I-3-C works in the body:
Studies have indicated that I-3-C prevents the development of estrogen-enhanced cancers. I-3-C may also kill or inhibit cancer cells directly.
Estrogen can be metabolized down three main pathways, one that is healthier and two that can be harmful and increases the risk of certain cancers. I-3-C helps both the gut and liver metabolize estrogen down the healthier pathway.
I-3-C helps remove the excess estrogen from your cells and helps your liver to remove them from the body.
I-3-C acts as an antioxidant and reduces levels of free radicals (molecules responsible for aging, tissue damage, and possibly some diseases).
Could your body benefit from Estro I-C-3?
If you have some of the signs of estrogen dominance listed above, I would say yes. It can also be beneficial for those individuals who have a family history of breast cancer, cervical or uterine cancer.
How to take Estro I-3-C:
Take 1 capsule twice daily.
Typically, the symptoms caused by estrogen dominance will start to go away or improve after three to six months of taking Estro I-3-C. For most individuals, it’s not meant to continue long-term. I am always amazed at how quickly women notice a difference after they begin taking it. One of my clients had such severe PMS, she described it as having rage and not acting like herself. This went on for up to two weeks a month for her. Within a month of taking Estro I-3-C her mood and other PMS symptoms began to improve, and, within three to four months, she didn’t have any negative symptoms relating to her menstrual cycle.
Hormones take time to rebalance, so I always recommend trying Estro I-3-C for at least three months. Some individuals may benefit from taking a higher dose and for a longer amount of time. You may see better results pairing this with a supplement to support overall liver detoxification, such as Detox Phase I and II.
Note: Estro I-3-C may reduce the effectiveness of the birth control pill if you’re using it for contraception.
Estro Rebalance
Estro Rebalance helps to support healthy estrogen metabolism. The formula uses several highly bioavailable and clinically proven trademarked ingredients including BioFolate®, BioResponse DIM® Complex, and HMRlignan™ to help support balanced estrogen in the body.
Here’s how research suggests it works in the body.
BioFolate® is the metabolically active form of folate supports estrogen balance by promoting healthy homocysteine levels.
DIM® Complex is more bioavailable than other forms of diindolylmethane (DIM). DIM supplements support healthy estrogen metabolism and detoxification of excess estrogen, supporting overall hormone balance.
HMRlignan™ is a plant lignan that is a phytoestrogen, helping to prevent the negative effects of xenoestrogens.
Could your body benefit from Estro Rebalance?
If you have some of the symptoms or conditions associated with estrogen dominance then yes, especially if you have perimenopause or menopause symptoms, such as sleep problems, hot flashes, and weight gain. Many women who experience rosacea or adult acne may benefit, too. A client of mine experienced acne that flared around her chin and jawline, and Estro Rebalance did the trick.
How to take Estro Rebalance:
Taking 2 capsules daily is beneficial for many people, but some people need more, so it’s best to talk to a nutritionist.
Typically, the symptoms caused by estrogen dominance start to go away or improve after three to six months for our clients taking Estro Rebalance. For most individuals, this is not meant to take long-term. Again, hormones take time to rebalance, so I always recommend trying Estro Rebalance for at least three months.
Note: Estro Rebalance may reduce the effectiveness of the birth control pill if you’re using it for contraception.
Often times I am asked if there is a supplement that can help balance hormones while in menopause. My advice is often to start with an activated Omega-6 fatty acid from borage seed oil called GLA (gamma linoleic acid).
Your body needs adequate amounts of therapeutic Omega-6’s to keep your hormones balanced. Research supports the use of GLA for reducing the severity and frequency of hot flashes, in addition to other benefits like reducing PMS symptoms, improving vaginal dryness, enhancing metabolism, and nourishing skin, nails, and hair. The amounts used in these studies for hot flash relief were fairly small, at 500-1,000mg per day.
Could your body benefit from GLA-160?
If you experience night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, increased inflammation, and the roller coaster symptoms of PMS or menopause, give this essential fatty acid a try.
How to take GLA-160:
One soft gel of GLA-160 per day (which is 1,000mg) may be sufficient for some women. Others may need more, especially if they struggle with vaginal dryness or other dry skin, hair, and nails issues in menopause.
No supplement can produce overnight results. Many studies used GLA for at least 8 weeks, and we often recommend taking GLA consistently for 3-4 months before re-evaluating your symptoms and potential benefits.
Progesterone Cream
When women stop ovulating, they stop making progesterone. When your ovaries stop making estrogen (in the form of estradiol), the adrenal glands and fat cells will continue making estrogen (in the form of estrone) in a much smaller amount; however, no other organ takes over producing progesterone. So naturally, women become deficient in progesterone.
Progesterone is a very calming hormone because of its relationship with GABA and serotonin in the body, both of which are involved in mood regulation, relaxation, and overall mental well-being. When your body starts to produce less progesterone and eventually stops producing it, your mood and sleep may be significantly affected.
Other symptoms during perimenopause and menopause related to low levels of progesterone are hot flashes, vaginal dryness, low libido, breast tenderness, brain fog, and weight gain. It’s important to note that low progesterone may not be the only cause of some of these symptoms.
Could your body benefit from a progesterone cream?
Progesterone cream is safe and provides long-term as well as short-term benefits. This one we recommend is made from wild yams and is identical to the progesterone your body would make. Progesterone cream can provide a lot of relief during perimenopause and menopause.
If you are still menstruating and haven’t hit perimenopause, generally progesterone cream isn’t the best option because it can reduce your own body’s production of progesterone. If you are still menstruating and suspect low progesterone (you aren’t ovulating or have cycles longer than 35 days or shorter than 21 days you likely have low progesterone), I would encourage you to work with a nutritionist to come up with a plan so your body starts producing more progesterone on its own. I have had many clients over the years be able to start ovulating again and increase their body’s own production of progesterone.
How to use Progesterone cream:
Add ¼ to ½ teaspoon of natural progesterone, which is considered bioidentical and not synthetic, on your inner thighs, the inside of your wrists, and other thin-skinned areas at bedtime. Rotate these areas each night to ensure optimal absorption.
Not sure which vitamins are right for you? Meet with a nutritionist and get a plan just for you!
Hormone Replacement Therapy
It feels important to briefly mention hormone replacement therapy (HRT) when talking about balancing hormones, especially since it’s a hot topic lately. If you are exploring the use of HRT to address your hormonal imbalance discuss the pros and cons with your doctor and ensure the HRT is bioidentical, not synthetic.
Support Your Hormones
When it comes to hormones, there is no one-size-fits-all. Hormonal health is complicated!
To recap, start with food first! Reduce your sugar intake to lower inflammation. Increase your veggies, especially the cruciferous variety, to help support your liver and your digestive system in eliminating excess estrogens. Eat healthy fat to balance your blood sugar and help your hormone production. Supplement as needed to reduce your symptoms and compliment your real food efforts!
If you have a lot of the symptoms or conditions I mentioned in this article, or you just don’t know where to start, you may benefit from a one-on-one counseling with me or another one of our nutritionists. During the appointment we would come up with an individualized food plan and recommend specific supplements to rebalance your hormone levels. Many people benefit from a combination of Estro Rebalance, Estro I-3-C, GLA, progesterone cream, and other supplements for hormone health so again, it’s helpful to get that individualized support.
Learn more about estrogen dominance and hormonal health with these resources:
Course: The Menopause Survival Seminar
Listen: Weight Loss Problem - High Estrogen, Perimenopausal Weight Gain, Estrogen Dominance – Ask A Nutritionist
Read: 5 Hormone-Related Symptoms That Often Go Ignored, Understanding Estrogen Dominance
Inspiration: “I feel so healthy, less anxious and more balanced than I ever have!” Ali’s Story, Hormones Back on Track
Denise Volk
Hello, I'm post menopause. My last period was around 8 years ago. My biggest issues are acne on my jaw line and a big belly. Can I take Estro rebalance and Estro 1 3 C together? I'm hoping this may help me. No other real symptoms other than fatigue and my sleep, which is greatly improved.
Thank you, Denise
April 14, 2021 at 3:45 pm
Yes, you can take both together. Meta I3C works great for jawline acne and estrogen metabolism while the Estro Rebalance will probably be more helpful for mid-section belly fat if it’s due to estrogen dominance.
Are these supplements safe to take if you have a history of a blood clot during pregnancy?
April 14, 2021 at 3:56 pm
This is a great question that we'd suggest asking your Dr. about.
Susan Unger
I am almost 5 years post breast cancer which was both progesterone and estrogen positive. I have a lot of vaginal dryness. Is it safe for me to take the progesterone cream? Sue Unger
April 11, 2022 at 3:56 pm
Vaginal dryness is very common postmenopausal as well as with hormonal cancers. Without an individual consultation, it would be best to address vaginal dryness with healthy dietary fats as well as adequate water. Our supplement GLA-160 (4 capsules a day) is also beneficial. All these interventions will hydrate all your tissues, including the vaginal wall.