5 Top Tips to Support Lung Health

By Nutritional Weight and Wellness Staff
October 14, 2024

Our lungs work hard every day to keep us breathing, but sometimes they face extra challenges. Air pollution, fine particles from wildfires, and high levels of ozone can make breathing more difficult.

In fact, the American Lung Association reports that over a third of Americans live in areas with poor air quality, which can contribute to asthma, COPD, lung cancer, and even make us more vulnerable to infections like COVID-19.

But it’s not just the air we breathe; our daily habits like hydration, diet, and nutrients play a big role too.

Here are some simple, powerful tips to help your lungs stay strong and healthy. For more in-depth information and expert advice, be sure to listen to the full episode of "Dishing Up Nutrition" on lung health.

Tip 1: Drink Enough Water to Keep Your Lungs Happy

Staying hydrated is an easy way to support lung health.

Did you know that your lungs lose about 27 ounces of water every day just from breathing?

That’s about three and a half cups! Keeping your lungs hydrated helps them stay elastic and function well.

If you exercise a lot, talk all day, or live in a dry environment, you may need even more water. And if you have lung issues like asthma, COPD, or allergies, aim for 75-80 ounces of water daily.

If that sounds like a lot, don’t worry—you can build up slowly. Start by adding a glass here and there, and look for gaps in your day where you can sneak in some extra sips.


Tips for Drinking More Water

  • Start Your Day with Water: Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, before your coffee. It’s an easy way to rehydrate after a night of sleep.
  • Pair Water with Daily Routines: Use daily tasks as reminders, like drinking water during meetings or while making your morning coffee.
  • Make Water Fun: Add a little flavor with fresh fruit, electrolytes, or try a sparkling water for some fizz.

Tip 2: Avoid Inflammatory Drinks and Foods

What we drink can affect how well we breathe.

Sugary drinks, sodas, and beverages with artificial sweeteners can cause lung inflammation, making it harder to catch your breath.

Research shows that kids who drink sugary beverages have a higher chance of developing asthma, and the same is true for adults.

Choose Healthier Drink Options

  • Skip Sugary Drinks: Swap out soda and sugary beverages for water, herbal teas, or drinks without artificial sweeteners.
  • Flavor Up Your Water: Try electrolyte drinks like Nutridyn Hydrate, LMNT, or low-sugar options to keep your water interesting and your lungs happy.


Tip 3: Consider Going Gluten-Free

Gluten can also be a sneaky irritant, especially for those with respiratory conditions like asthma or COPD.

Even if you don’t have digestive issues, gluten can still cause inflammation in your lungs. Trying a gluten-free diet might be worth a shot if you have chronic breathing issues.

  • Focus on Whole Foods: Instead of just swapping for gluten-free bread and pasta, focus on naturally gluten-free options like meats, eggs, veggies, fruits, and healthy fats. These real foods can help reduce inflammation better than processed alternatives.


Tip 4: Eat Healthy Fats for Lung Support

Adding healthy fats to your diet is another great way to keep your lungs in top shape.

Fats like omega-3s and gamma linolenic acid (GLA) are natural anti-inflammatories, which means they help calm down irritated lung tissues.

Benefits of Healthy Fats

  • Omega-3s: Found in fatty fish like salmon and sardines, these fats help reduce lung inflammation. You can also supplement with fish oil if you don’t eat fish often.
  • GLA: This special fat is found in oils like evening primrose, hemp, and borage oil. Some people may benefit more from a GLA supplement, especially if their bodies struggle to use it from food alone.

Easy Ways to Add Healthy Fats

  • Mix It Up: Use a variety of fats like avocado, olive oil, nuts, and seeds. Each fat has its own set of benefits that support overall health.
  • Go for Omega-3s and GLA: If you’re focusing on lung health, consider adding a supplement like fish oil or GLA to your daily routine.

Tip 5: Support Your Lungs with the Right Supplements

Specific nutrients can give your lungs an extra boost.

Omega-3s and GLA work well together to reduce lung inflammation and improve breathing. Consider adding these supplements if you’re looking to support your lungs even more.

  • Fish Oil: A great source of omega-3s that helps calm lung inflammation and keep your airways open.
  • GLA: Taking a GLA supplement can be especially helpful if you struggle with inflammation. Start with a few softgels per day and see how your lungs feel over time.

These tips are easy ways to take care of your lungs daily. Whether it’s drinking more water, cutting out sugary drinks, or adding some healthy fats to your meals, these small changes can make a big difference.

And if you’re unsure where to start, reach out to one of our dietitians or nutritionists for personalized advice that fits your needs. Book an appointment.

More resources for lung health:


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