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*Because everyone is unique, individual results vary.
Working as a bartender, I had very unhealthy eating habits as well as unhealthy sleeping hours. I would often go 12 hours between meals and then eat like I would never see food again, usually eating on the go and choosing whatever I could get my hands on. My poor eating habits caused a lot of digestive troubles like bloating and gas. I also suffered from overuse body injuries and joint pain.
I was a yo-yo dieter and tried Weight Watchers as well as counting calories to lose weight. When I was on the Weight Watchers diet, I was always the youngest and thinnest person at the meetings so I didn’t feel like I belonged. Plus, I found that my pant sizes were actually going up, which was discouraging.
My digestive issues were starting to get in the way of my everyday life. I always felt bloated, even when I was hungry. When I decided to make a career change and go to school to be an esthetician, I became even more concerned about my digestive problems since I would be working in close quarters with my clients. I heard about Nutritional Weight & Wellness while listening to Dishing Up Nutrition on Saturday mornings on my way to school. I decided to make a nutrition counseling appointment and met with JoAnn. She suggested going gluten free. It took me six months to transition my house and this was my biggest step toward better health and healing my intestinal tract.
Since giving up gluten, I noticed that the joint pain I suffered from while bar tending is much better. My energy level is higher and I am capable of so much more in a day. I have also lost 22 pounds and went from a size 8 to a size 0, and I know how to keep the weight off. I gained so much knowledge from my counseling session with JoAnn. She never made me feel bad about my choices; she educated me. With Weight Watchers, I never understood the “why” of how food affected my body. By eliminating gluten and later dairy from my diet, I had the ability to find out what foods make me uncomfortable and learned how to pinpoint how foods and drinks affect me. I no longer worry about digestive issues like bloating and gas getting in the way of my daily activities.
I came to Nutritional Weight & Wellness looking to lose weight and improve my digestion, but I also learned valuable lessons about how food affects our brains. When JoAnn told me that the Red Bull I was addicted to was a brain killer, it really struck me. My grandma has Alzheimer’s, and knowing that the nutritional choices I am making now could help my brain health in the future is priceless. That knowledge is what drives me now and I pass this information on to people constantly. Personally, I feel like I have changed other’s lives with what I have learned. The people around me are healthier because of the information I am able to pass on to them.
Anastasia was able to lose weight, heal her digestive tract and learn life-changing lessons about how food affects the brain with the power of nutrition education and personal support. Sign up for an in-person or by phone nutrition consultation and be on your way to better health!
Find more tips and advice on how nutrition affects your digestion and brain health in these additional articles and podcasts!
Is Your Gut Preventing Weight Loss
Eat This, Not That for Brain Health
Nutrition to Heal Your Brain