Habits Sabotaging Weight Loss

October 21, 2017

You have a busy day, don’t feel like cooking, so you order some take-out food and the next day you have an excruciating migraine. Every month you get a hormone-related headache, why? Or, maybe you keep getting sinus headaches and can’t find the cause.

There are natural ways to get relief and Nutritional Weight & Wellness has solutions for you!

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DAR: Welcome to Dishing Up Nutrition. I'm Darlene Kvist, I'm a licensed nutritionist in a certified nutrition specialist. And I invite you to stay tuned to Dishing Up Nutrition today because we want to talk with you about your habits that may be sabotaging your weight loss and health goals.

That's kind of interesting isn't it? So my question is for you. Do you have habits holding you back from achieving your goals? So that's what we're going to talk about. Well good morning Marcie!

MARCIE: Well good morning Dar! I am Marcie Vaske, also a licensed nutritionist. And today's show is brought to you by Nutritional Weight & Wellness. Some of our listeners have been wondering what exactly is a licensed nutritionist. I do get that. And you know let me just explain that a little bit. So for anyone who's out there wondering or wondering maybe wanting to get into being a nutritionist listen up.

DAR: Oh no wait Now Marcie. I'll be getting calls from all over the United States.

MARCIE: Yeah that's true. Be careful what you wish for, right? So in the state of Minnesota if you give nutritional advice you must be licensed by the State Board of Dietetics Nutrition. A lot of people don't know that number one and some states don't require that.

DAR: Because I remember one day the person that was carrying out my groceries was giving me nutrition advice.

MARCIE: So in order to become licensed a nutritionist must obtain a master's degree in nutrition and then we have to complete 900 hours of an internship.

DAR: So a master's degree and 900 hours.

MARCIE: So it's a lot of time and you know we're talking somewhere around six or seven year process really to become licensed. It's all quite a process but, well worth it.

DAR: Yes. So you know I was one of the first people in Minnesota to be licensed and that was back in 1996 and I'm proud to say I just renewed my license for the year 2018 so I'm going to keep going.

MARCIE: Yes you are. You have to. You know and I've held my license since 2015 and we are also required to complete 45 continuing education credits every three years and pay that wonderful yearly license fee.

DAR: Yes. So at Nutritional Weight & Wellness we really pride ourselves on continually reading all the past and current research and then not all of it but we read a lot of research we do. And then we presented here on Dishing Up Nutrition or in some of our classes. Honestly I've been reading nutrition research for the last 40 years. And you know frankly some of the old research is still just as good if not better then some of the more recent research.

MARCIE: Isn't that interesting. You know but you know we're always telling people you know make sure you know who's writing and who's funding it and all that kind of things and sometimes that's really key. We know there's we know there are so many different opinions about what is healthy to eat it. Thousands. You know we have clients that come in all the time and say OK what do you think about this one? What do you think about this? Yes. Because we hear it from our clients and as a nutrition counseling company we look at who is sponsoring or paying for the research or who will benefit financially from the outcome of that research.

DAR: Yes. It's kind of tricky sometimes to figure that out.

MARCIE: Well you know it's amazing how money talks. So when we take all the research and we apply it in clinic we know and we see that clients experience better health, better energy, more energy and fewer aches and pains and better moods when they eat simple foods called real food in balance.

So that means eating good animal protein might be chicken, eggs, even cheese, eating good vegetables for carbs like you know Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower.

DAR: Or sweet potatoes or that wonderful winter squash that's out right now.

MARCIE: Yes. And don't forget the best part is the real fat. So I always tell clients it's real fat. It's not lo fat and no low fat. So things like butter olive oil cream and of course the delicious avocados.

DAR: So one of my tricks Marcie, I've been making our chicken wild rice soup. And it's a great recipe. But it's not a creamy chicken wild rice soup. And I like a creamy. Mm hmm. So I just put a little bit of heavy cream in my chicken wild rice soup and it's absolutely delicious.

MARCIE: Oh yum, great way to just kind of top it off.

DAR: So let's get into our topic today. So do you have habits that are sabotaging your weight loss or health goals? You know as you listen today I want you to think about your health and weight loss goals. Have you said “Well I want to lose 10 pounds so I can fit into that new dress I bought to wear to my company's holiday party.” We hear that one a lot. Or perhaps you have a goal to lose 50 pounds in the coming year and we have a lot of people in that circle. And we also have people that say I just want to get rid of my aches and pains.

MARCIE: Oh for sure. Or it’s “I just want to feel better, feel better in my clothes.” You know and as nutritionists we know this story all too well. We hear it all the time. So something like this has happened, you get started and you're actually making some progress. You're feeling good. And then unbeknownst to you, all of a sudden, one of your bad habits comes along and your goal kind of gets sabotaged. So you have to start all over again. It happens all the time. And I think some people don't even realize that they're sabotaging themselves. So everybody listen in and think about it today. What is your sabotaging behavior?

DAR: As you reflect what habits, or habits, derail you from your health plan. Think about yesterday, what derailed you, or do you feel you did all right? Did it start with - and this is one that I hear all the time - did it start with stopping at your favorite coffee shop? You know you plan to order just a black coffee and maybe add a little of your own cream and suddenly you found yourself ordering a latte with skim milk and a pumpkin muffin for sure. And in your head you justify it to yourself because you know after all it's everything pumpkin season right now. So if I don't have it (this is what you're thinking to yourself) so if I don't have a pumpkin muffin right now I'll turn totally miss out and you'll be feeling frustrated and then you're asking yourself “Why can't I just order a black coffee and B also door without feeling deprived?”

MARCIE: Yes, feeling deprived. Why does that make you feel deprived? You know that's a great question.

DAR: You know and I think even people bite into that pumpkin muffin and they say well gee that doesn't taste as good as I thought it was.

MARCIE: Oh not at all. Especially if you've been eating the Weight & Wellness Way for a while you can really taste what's in those pumpkin muffins and if nothing good.

DAR: And it’s all those chemicals.

MARCIE: For sure. So let's look at this simple stopping at the coffee house habit. We really want to help you just kind of piece this together of why you might fall off your personal commitment to your own self to lose weight or to eat to control that inflammation in your body. You know intellectually you know actually that a pumpkin muffin and a latte with skim milk, which are both full of sugar and those bad fats, you know that's going to sabotage your commitment and it will set you up to crave sugar all day long. You know I always ask my clients in the beginning, let’s run through your day. And then you can see where these little patterns become.

DAR: Yes. Yes. And you know it's so interesting because somehow people justify that latte or that mocha and they may drink on it all day but they're constantly putting sugar into their system. So my question is “What is it that such you up that you just feel like you have to stop for coffee?” Has that ever happened to you Marcie?

MARCIE: Oh yes. I asked myself why do I have to have this coffee? You know and what you might be asking is do I get enough sleep last night? Right. So you ask yourself “Did I get that seven and a half to nine hours of sleep?” Well most people are going to say “No way, I did not.” And if you are sleeping more you won't crave that caffeine and sugar in your body and your brain will be working better.

DAR: I didn't have any coffee this morning and I feel great. It's good to feel great.

MARCIE: I did have my coffee with my MCT oil in it. I have to tell you the truth. If you're not getting that seven and a half to nine hours sleep most nights. Why not? You have to ask yourself why not? What am I doing. First you need to believe this research that found that lack of sleep slows metabolism, did everybody here that, increases insulin resistance, and often causes cravings for sugar.

DAR: So you have to first believe the research. I believe intellectually that if you believe the research you will say you know I don't need that coffee, I need sleep.

MARCIE: Yeah you can make the change a lot easier. So I think it's time for our first break. You are listening to Dishing Up Nutrition brought to you by Nutritional Weight & Wellness. Today Dar and I are discussing habits sabotaging your weight loss. Do you have a habit that is getting in the way of you losing those extra pounds. Give us a call at 651-641-1071 And let's talk.


DAR: Welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition. We understand that excessive weight is just one symptom of poor health. So in our 12 week Nutrition 4 Weight Loss Program we not only focus on losing weight but also on your health. You know the average weight loss diet is typically not a health diet. I mean let me say that again. A typical average weight loss diet is not a health diet, however a Nutrition 4 Weight Loss program is so much more than just a weight loss diet. I mean it's a health diet and people lose weight because that's one of the symptoms. You know our Nutrition 4 Weight Loss plan sets you up for good energy, good moods, good memory and of course weight loss.

MARCIE: That's the end product but you'll feel great doing it. You do and you're not hungry you're not you know crabby cause you are having low or high blood sugar all day long you're just a happy camper. Losing weight!

DAR: And you're not starving. So remember, you were going to say something Marcie.

MARCIE: Talking about the weight loss. There are some people who you know I think Lea and Shelby were on a few weeks ago talking about people who stay up too late and maybe are not losing weight because …

DAR: They are addicted to late night TV show. Or Facebook or some people are texting their friends and they only get a few hours of sleep. And I honestly have had this habit. Some of our clients they get up in the middle of the night and they run over to the casino to gamble rather than sleep. And of course they're struggling with their weight. You know most people with this late night bad habit, that really it's become an addiction, usually need weekly nutritional consultation to overcome this addiction. They need better sleep hygiene. That's a nice word to say. But how do you change your behavior? How do you actually stop watching late night TV? It's kind of like they need help setting a bedtime and sticking to it. But you can do it for a couple of nights, you can do anything for a certain amount of time, but unless you have to report in to your nutritionist and say “No I did it seven nights this week.” Good progress.

MARCIE: And people don't think about going to a nutritionist to check in on their sleep. You know, but it's so important like we've been pointing out for weight loss and just overall better health. And you know there's another thing too here that with the sleep piece is you know many women in perimenopause are menopause cannot sleep. And why? We're finding that because their hormones are out of balance and they feel terrible. So ask this question to yourself. Are you in perimenopause or menopause and you just can't sleep well are you always been a good sleeper and all of a sudden you're just waking up all the time. Like you wake up frequently or maybe you just feel wired all night?

DAR: Yes we hear that one a lot. And they don't have any idea what's why they're feeling wired.

MARCIE: No, they blame it on other things sometimes, their food but maybe a lot of times just stress. But that is commonly really just a result of not having sufficient amount of the hormone progesterone.

DAR: And what we're going to talk a little bit more about progesterone as we go along in this show. So if you're getting six hours of sleep or less you know you're not alone. A poll conducted by Gallup in 2013 shows that 40 percent of us (not us) get less than six hours of sleep per night. You know honestly six hours is just not enough sleep to lose weight or even to think well. So what can you do about your lack of sleep? You’ve got a look at this, it's a serious business.

MARCIE: It is serious. Sleep is so vital. Like we've been saying for your health and well-being, that we really want to drive home the need for some good sleep. We need sleep to lower stress levels, to lower chronic inflammation, people don't put that one together very often, to lower our insulin resistance.

DAR: Oh and there's been study after study after study after study on that.

MARCIE: Yeah. That sleep sleep sleep and your insulin resistance will be better. To lower your risk of obesity. You need better sleep to decrease or eliminate that type 2 diabetes and even heart disease. So, a lot of things.  

DAR: So you know I think a lot of women are listening and saying “OK I get that. I understand that. But I'm in perimenopause or menopause and I'm waking up several times a night.” You wake up and you can't get back to sleep. So I was always kind of put this show together I was checking around to see. So you know Ann Louise Gittleman, she has written many, many, many books and one of them is Before the Change so I checked it out. Let's see what we Ann Louise says. How to stop insomnia during peri-menopause. You know as a nutritionist and Ann Louise Gittleman has found that low levels of magnesium in your body can cause you to wake up repeatedly during the night. Many women she said have magnesium calcium imbalance during perimenopause. As a nutritionist will we also recommend we do taking Magnesium Glycinate at bedtime. Talk about it our class we talk it out on Dishing Up Nutrition.

But she had other ideas too.

MARCIE: Right and studies have shown that over three quarters of the population are deficient in magnesium. So, so important that we're taking this mineral and what we you know sometimes just taking one tablet is generally not enough.

DAR: But we have clients are coming on and they're taking one.

MARCIE: Yes. And they'll say well it's not working. Of course it's not working because we want most of our clients to take four to six tablets before going to bed. So that looks like 400 to 600 milligrams of that Magnesium Glycinate. But what you need to remember is that not all of those magnesium supplements are created the same. And many people don't realize that and the magnesium supplements found at the big box stores or online use a form of magnesium that is not well absorbed by our system and will often cause diarrhea without really doing much help. So you need to make sure you're getting that good Magnesium Glycinate.

DAR: Exactly. So another supplement that Ann Louise Gittleman recommends for sleep and anxiety is an amino acid called Gaba. And just thinking about amino acid, what is that? Well it's actually comes from protein from a piece of meat or fish. So Gab, it’s an amino acid. And what it does is it promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety. And for most people it helps with sleep. So usually taking one tablet or one capsule ranging from 500 to 750 milligrams can help turn off worry and will allow you to sleep deeper and longer.

MARCIE: Right when you just feel more peaceful you're going to sleep deeper and longer.

DAR: So you know I'm Ann Louise Gittleman is saying, and we say the same thing. I mean it's just kind of interesting always to look at what other experts are saying. Magnesium Glycinate anywhere from 300 to 400 to 500 to 600 milligrams sometimes even more depending on their symptoms. And then if that isn't enough maybe add one Gaba supplement and try it.

MARCIE: Might[JC1]  as well. You know you are listening to Dishing Up Nutrition. This week's headlines said that the obesity problem isn't budging, America's weight problem isn't getting any better. And according to new government research 40 percent of adults are obese an 18 ½ percent of children are obese.

It's startling, when we come back from break. We want to discuss the new research from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.


DAR: Welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition, before break we were talking about the recent research about obesity of adults and children and we said we would share research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is something I found very interesting, the highest rates of obesity in adults all those people that are in their 40s and 50s. And the obesity rate for men now is 41 percent of all men are obese and for women it is 45 percent of women that are obese. That means almost half of the women 40 to 50 are obese. That's just not overweight, that is obese. It's kind of shocking.

MARCIE: Very shocking. You know and as a mother of 10 year old twins I was shocked that the obesity rate in children went from 17 percent to 18 and a half percent. You know national health officials found that the Let's Move campaign. So everyone remember that was launched by former first lady Michelle Obama in 2010 who, did not work, did everyone here that? And well, we're not surprised because most weight issues are all about food. It's not the lack of exercise now. And also just think about what the kids are eating and drinking in school. Chocolate skim milk is not the answer.

DAR: No, because we know that chocolate skim milk is loaded with sugar.

MARCIE: Kids need a whole milk that hasn't been sweetened and they need real non-processed foods. That's what our kiddos need.

DAR: It’s kind of crazy. You know so we were talking we were talking about sleep, of course we're talking about sleep. So let's talk about what Dr. Daniel Amen author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Body has to say about sleep. He says that melatonin, a hormone made in the brain actually helps regulate other hormones and maintains the body's sleep cycle. So are you having trouble falling asleep? This might be part of your problem. You know the routine, you get into bed and what the intention of falling right to sleep. But then you start tossing, turning, thinking and you look at the clock and two hours have passed by.

So if that's you I would really recommend taking a melatonin supplement to help break this sleep deprivation cycle and really finally get a good night's sleep.

DAR: You know what we really recommend if you're going to take melatonin is to take it in a sublingual form that you place under your tongue. That's all that means. Right. And most of our clients who have trouble falling asleep, they take three milligrams or maybe five milligrams about a half an hour before going to bed. And then they fall asleep and they wake up in the morning and they feel refreshed and alert. Now personally I might start with less, because three to five is pretty high, but also some people need a lot more for sure it works. And the trick here is taking the sublingual one because it gets right into the bloodstream.

MARCIE: Right. It doesn't have to digest in our intestinal tract you know. Dr. Amen has also found that melatonin may be helpful for children who suffer with insomnia. We know our body's natural melatonin levels are usually highest when we are children and slowly decrease as we age.

DAR: But some kids just don't seem to have enough melatonin in their brain and so they're struggling with going to sleep every night.

MARCIE: They are you know the good news about melatonin is that it's a strong antioxidant and it is neuro protective.

DAR: So say that again Macie because I don't think people realize this.

MARCIE: So it's neuroprotective, meaning it's really good for our brain. Yes. And more good news about melatonin is that it's safe and it's not addictive. So for those of you kind of worrying about you know I just don't want to get addicted to this stuff. It won't happen.

DAR: You know I remember going to listen to a neurologist talk about melatonin probably about eight 10 years ago and he had a child that had ADHD and he was giving her 10 milligrams of melatonin every night so she could sleep. And he kept going over and this is just what you said. It is safe. And it helps protect the brain.  

MARCIE: Right. So all good things you can start with maybe that half a milligram like Dar, she’s very sensitive. And work up to maybe those six milligrams or even in some cases you know like the neurologists did with his daughter, 10. If necessary, like I said you can go up to eight or 10.

DAR: Right. So if you are perimenopause or menopausal, and you just can't seem to get enough good quality sleep because you wake up frequently throughout the night or you just wake up too early. Is lack of sleep sabotaging your weight loss or health goals? And you know we hear this all the time that women and menopause will gain weight. Maybe it goes back to these women are not sleeping their eight to nine hours. And then of course then they start gaining weight.

MARCIE: Well right. Exactly. We have all the problems that come along with that. You know and according to a study from the University of Chicago people who are sleep deprived eat more processed carbohydrates than those who get adequate sleep.

DAR: I think you know you just have one or two nights of not sleeping and suddenly it's like …

MARCIE: Ohh, muffins sound good! The pumpkin seasonal muffin sound lovely. We know if you are merely just if you're just getting those four to five hours of sleep at night you will no doubt want to eat a down and yes you want a cookie, a bagel, candy, some ice cream. You're not going to be choosing things like meat and vegetables and good fats. It's not really going to happen.

DAR: So think of your own behavior. If you're only getting five maybe five and a half hours of quality sleep you are like twice as likely, twice as likely to chow down on processed carbs like crackers, potato chips, soda, coffee mochas, or cake to get through the day. And you know each of you that to listening and you might have your own special carbohydrate that you go to.

MARCIE: Exactly. You know so people out there listening, look at the pattern of your day and see if it’s sleep that’s making me want to eat these things.

DAR: So here's another interesting fact. If you are not getting enough sleep you're more likely to skip breakfast or other meals. Is that interesting. Which puts your blood sugar on a roller coaster ride that is bad for your brain and it leads to poor nutritional choices. And then you may over eat too. It's crazy isn't it?

MARCIE: So I love to research to for this show, so here's something I came across that is quite remarkable. So one study found that women who slept at least seven and a half hours every night for 10 weeks lost six to 15 pounds with only one change. What do you think that change was? Sleep!

DAR: So I think we should challenge people Marcie. I think so for the next say 10 weeks. Each of you listeners get eight to nine hours of sleep every night. Weigh yourself now. And just do sleep and see how you come out at the end. And see if you haven't lost you know six maybe, maybe some women lost 15 pounds in that 10 weeks.

MARCIE: That's amazing. And they did nothing else, not even change their food. Really remarkable.

DAR: I think so here's another motivating factor for many of us to get not eight to nine hours of sleep research states that getting adequate sleep does more for your skia then wrinkle creams and anti-aging treatments because lack of sleep set you up for premature aging of your skin. And you know dark circles under your eyes. And even acne.

MARCIE: Now that's a really interesting one too.

DAR: So we think about teenagers. Not getting enough sleep. Or we also have a lot of what we call adult acne. You know it comes on and it comes on all most in perimenopause or menopause. So we actually regenerate more new skin cells while we sleep than any other type. Sleep is a magic potion. So simple.

MARCIE: You can save a whole bunch of money to skin care items, just sleep!

So let's go back to talking about sleep problems during that perimenopause and menopause time. You know some women around the ages of 39 to 49 wake up in the middle of night feeling like they're burning up and dripping with sweat. So what happens, you throw off the blankets and finally fall back asleep but then waking up freezing and shivering. So it that sounds like you we would say why your hormones are out of whack, out of balance. Now this could be because of past poor nutritional habits like eating bad fats maybe or just consuming too much sugar. You know in the way of too many processed carbohydrates right or excess body fat or even using birth control pills. So many women today have to have excess estrogen and that is called estrogen dominance. So these excess estrogens really can cause some women to feel anxious, restless and at the end of the day unable to sleep.

DAR: So interesting, the things that you just said Marcie, because of past eating habits or because maybe people are carrying extra weight or you know maybe they were taking birth control pills … But anyway they have too much estrogen. That goes against what we learn usually, or well not what we learn, but what people talk about they tend to think that they hit perimenopause or menopause and they are deficient in estrogen. And we're saying no no. You actually have too much estrogen and that's causing all these symptoms that you're having. So also at the same time during this kind of perimenopause period women usually stop ovulating and are no longer producing the calming hormone called progesterone. And I think we have to take a little break. We’ll come back to this.  

MARCIE: So you are listening to Dishing Up Nutrition. Obesity certainly is an issue in the U.S. in every state and every city including right here in Minnesota. At Nutritional Weight & Wellness we too are on a food and nutrition campaign to help you control this epidemic. The best weight loss program in plan is our Nutrition 4 Weight Loss Program because it's based on real food that's going to help you lose weight and stay healthy at the same time. You know classes start the week of October 30th. So if you sign up by October 22nd you can save $50 with an early bird special. This specialist is also valid for returning clients.

DAR: And you know what. The other thing that happens in Nutrition 4 Weight Loss is people have fun.

MARCIE: They do have fun and you learn a lot. We’ll right back.

DAR: Welcome back to Dishing Up Nutrition. If you're struggling with perimenopause or menopause, and sleep problems or any other kind of problem, I encourage you to sign up for the Menopause Survival Seminar on Saturday, November 4th at our St. Paul location. I love this class. I'll be there to meet you and answer your personal questions as you have about menopause or perimenopause. You don't come join us, let's make that a fun event. So that’s November 4th, a Saturday, it’s basically I think from 10:30 to 3:30.

So next week audition up nutrition Kara and Cassie will be giving you concrete suggestions on how to boost a broken metabolism.

MARCIE: That's a good radio show to follow up on this one.

DAR: I think a lot of people walking around today feel like they have a broken metabolism. You know be sure to tune in and let's see if we can help you fix your broken metabolism. Lots of ideas on that one.

MARCIE: So before we went on break we were talking about progesterone.

DAR: Then we will talk about progesterone. So when you say you know about your hormones if you have high levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone that can result in poor sleep. So in order to get relief many women need to help their bodies get rid of this toxic estrogens and restore sufficient progesterone.

You know we really have a lot of different recommendations. But they're really specific to each individual plans. You know if the symptoms we mentioned sound like what you're experiencing. I really recommend either coming to our Menopause Survival Seminar on Saturday November 4th at our St. Paul location or you know make an appointment with one of the nutritionists, make an appointment with Marcie and get these things figured out.

MARCIE: Yes. You feel so much better.

DAR: You know we can help you make a good get a good night's sleep on a regular basis snd then the lack of sleep will no longer be sabotaging your weight loss. On this show we spent a lot of time on talking about sleep because it is one of the main reasons that sabotages people's weight loss and health goals.

MARCIE: And people don't realize that perhaps not you know. Did

DAR: Did you know that actually people lose weight while they sleep?

MARCIE: Well I did know that yes but I don't think others did. It doesn't mean you have to be up on the treadmill. That's right. That's a relief. Sometimes people will tell them like you don't need to you can just sleep in because the sleep is going to be more helpful for you versus you know making sure you're up at 4:00 a.m. to get on the treadmill.

DAR: Well it's kind of interesting. Say it's like that Let's Move campaign. We knew that wasn't going to work.

MARCIE: Cause we know what and where the problem lies. It's in the food that they're eating.

So we know there are many other habits that sabotage weight loss, it’s not just because some people sleep great right? And that's not their problem. But you know, clients will tell me over and over you know they're just too busy to cook and they eat out. And no matter how hard they try the foods or the meals that they're choosing at the restaurant are just not good for weight loss. So it's not as if they don't really want to stay on the food plan but when you eat in a restaurant there are just too many temptations, so if that’s a spot for you, take yourself out of it.

DAR: Yes. So let's kind of face it when you eat out at a restaurant you can often lose your commitment to your goal. You say to yourself “Well I'll just eat this today and tomorrow I'll be serious again about my eating plan and my diet.” And then you think hey you know what, I just lost five pounds since I started. And that's a great start. So I should be OK. But then you eat out. And the next day you step on the scale and you see that you gained three pounds. Now you're kind of back at square one mate because of the choices you have sabotaged your goal, and all your hard work. But if you had cooked dinner at home you probably would have prepared you know four ounces to six ounces of meat or some salmon or a burger. A salad and a half a cup of corn squash with a couple of teaspoons of butter. You would have been satisfied, you would avoid a temptation and you probably would have lost another pound or two then the truth is by sticking to your commitment to your goal and cooking dinner at home you probably would be down six or seven pounds instead of down only two and starting all over again at square one. And people go through this scenario over and over and over.

MARCIE: Yes. And they just keep saying “I can't lose the weight I can't lose the weight I'm just stuck right here.” Yeah. Why are you stuck right there, people? Look at your patterns.

DAR: So why is it that besides the fact that temptation when you're eating out is there.

MARCIE: Exactly, there is another reason. You know most of those foods are that are cooked there in the restaurant are going to be fried or cooked in some type of vegetable oil, maybe a corn oil or that soybean oil or even a canola oil. You know so research says they found that eating food cooked in vegetable oils can cause people to keep on eating and eating and never feeling satisfied. I think that's a really interesting thing for people to hear.

DAR: You know I think more so you know we've had Tamara on from Sassy Spoon restaurant and she does not cook with any vegetable oil at her restaurant. So it's safe to eat there. But it was so interesting when we found this research that says when you cook in vegetable oil – and what is vegetable oil. You know it's like soybean oil. Yeah. You know canola oil, all those, you want to eat over.

MARCIE: You just keep eating these vegetable oils and it's really been linked to this obesity crisis that we've been talking about all morning here. And if you just would eat at home you'd use yummy butter that coconut oil or a little olive oil and all these fats help you to satisfy your hunger. And at the end of the day step stabilize that blood sugar that's so important.  

DAR: You know there are many habits holding you back from reaching their weight loss goal or their health goal now we haven't talked about today. So as you're kind of thinking about this you know cooking at home certainly is a big one for sure. And we understand that when you work all day and you go home and you have to cook, so you have to make these meals really simple. They don't have to be gourmet meals, they can just be simple.

MARCIE: Simple meat, some vegetables and some fat. That’s it.

DAR: So kind of thinking back at your own self, which are these habits that we're going to talk about now are sabotaging your weight loss goals. So, do skip meals, do you skip breakfast? I mean you know those are two big ones.

Do you skip the snacks, or do you buy a bag of chips with the intention of only having a few at the end and you end up eating the whole bag? Or do you eat your leftovers off your child's plate? Or do you sneak a soda every chance you get. I’ve heard that one so many times. Do you settle in after dinner with a glass or two of wine?

MARCIE: Right. Or have you signed up for the annual cookie exchange? That’s sabotaging.

DAR: You’ve got to be honest with yourself. What habits are holding you back and sabotaging your weight loss success?

MARCIE: Our goal at Nutritional Weight & Wellness is to help each and every person experience better health through eating real food. It's a simple, yet powerful message. Eating real food is a life changing.

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