Have You Heard the News? Cholesterol is No Longer a “Nutrient of Concern”
By Britni Vincent, RD, LD
February 12, 2015
Nutritional Weight & Wellness is very happy that the nation’s top nutrition advisory panel has decided to drop its warning about eating high cholesterol food. This is a big change, because since 1961 it has been recommended to avoid foods containing cholesterol.
At Nutritional Weight & Wellness, we have never been concerned about the cholesterol in foods affecting heart health. Current research shows that cholesterol found in food doesn’t increase cholesterol in the blood stream. The liver is what produces most of the cholesterol in our bodies and dietary cholesterol only accounts for about 20 percent.
Often, we recommend eggs as a good protein source—the yolks and all. As nutritionists, we refer to the yolks as “liquid gold” because they contain 13 health boosting nutrients, plus they taste great! Not all fats are created equal though. Trans fats and refined oils (canola, soybean, corn, and cottonseed) should always be avoided, because these are the kinds of fats that do increase our risk of heart disease. Foods that trans fats are commonly found in are: margarine, many coffee creamers and commercial baked goods. Refined oils are found in most processed foods—always read the ingredient list!
Stay tuned,…I have a great blog post coming up next week with more information about heart health and cholesterol.
Debra Kumm
I work at Rogers Hospital. I'm a fairly new to dietetics (2016-RD). In regards to nutrition therapy for high triglycerides/cholesterol, my materials (American Dietetic Association etc) suggest no eggs, whole milk products and high fat meats. My question is: Are your suggestions of eating butter, lard, coconut etc only for clients with normal lipid panels? I need to council patients with elevated lipids. I understand the suggestions on omitting sugar and processed foods however, I am unsure of what fats to omit. What are your nutrition guidelines for this and what are your references? I would need to type up all new handouts on heart disease based on scientific evidence. I absolutely love your podcasts. Any information will be helpful.
Thank you,
Debra Kumm, RD, CD
414 779-6365
July 25, 2019 at 10:31 am
These recommendations are also for individuals that have elevated lipid panels. We do not necessarily follow the guidelines of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The fats that should be avoided are refined oils like canola, cottonseed, vegetable, corn and soybean oil. These have very little nutritional value and are very inflammatory. I think you’ll find these articles and podcasts helpful https://www.weightandwellness.com/resources/?show_topic=Cholesterol%2FHeart+Health The Cholesterol Myth by Dr. Stephen Sinatra is another resource you may find helpful. https://www.drsinatra.com/article-landing?folderId=SNfld00003