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Call 651-699-3438 to book a nutrition counseling appointment. Our nutrition counselors take a personalized approach to help you achieve your goals.
*Because everyone is unique, individual results vary.
Brenda experienced sleep problems for six years because of a spastic colon and indigestion. She was frustrated that after many medical tests and visits to several specialists, she still had no solutions.
A friend recommended that Brenda listen to the Dishing Up Nutrition podcast because she thought it would help Brenda. The podcast information was helpful, but Brenda realized she needed answers for her unique health needs. So, she made a phone appointment with nutritionist Lea Wetzell.
In one month Brenda started seeing results from her new eating plan. She dropped 25 pounds*, her digestion improved, and she started sleeping through the night. She also experienced much less pain after kicking her sugar habit. “I’m a totally different person,” Brenda commented. “I’ve been feeling so good that I’ve been able to cut back on my pain medication.”
Brenda is thrilled that she’s found answers to her health problems by changing her nutrition. “I think Nutritional Weight & Wellness is doing a fantastic job getting out the message that eating real food can make a real difference. It certainly has for me!”