Browse past media clips featuring Nutritional Weight & Wellness nutritionists.
Hear how Tina changed her diet and her life.
Learn how you can find relief from chronic pain, like Madeline.
Dishing Up Nutrition was rated one of the top nutrition podcasts in 2019 by Healthline.
Our podcast Dishing Up Nutrition was included in a great list of nutrition podcasts all designed to help you feel your best.
Learn how what you eat before bed can help you get a better night's sleep.
The benefits of pea protein go far beyond what you probably expect of this little green vegetable.
Do you have this food in your fridge today? Eat up!
Listen to how a past client used the keto diet to overcome compulsive exercise and an eating disorder.
Find some healthy, and tasty, alternatives for football season snacking.
Balanced ideas to get the kiddos out the door with a real food boost!
Locate lurking sugars along with healthier and tastier alternatives.
Don’t be fooled by these “healthy” options.
Find out what to eat for breakfast so you stay satisfied until lunch.
Quick, healthy delicious dinners. The best combo!
Great benefits from your favorite nutty snacks!
Which superfoods are worth the cost?
We’re cutting through the clutter of weight loss misconceptions and myths.
Don't eat out everyday. Pack your lunch to save money and be your healthiest!
Brenna Thompson, RD, LD shows you some slow cooker tips and recipes.
Brenna Thompson clears up the confusion about how much water we need.
Kara Carper shares foods to avoid as well as foods to eat if you suffer with IBS.
Brenna Thompson offers you some tips for doing Spring cleaning for your health.
Britni Thomas talks to 12 News about cupboard items you could do without.
An emerging group no longer sees fat as the enemy of good health.
Cholesterol is no longer listed as a “nutrient of concern.” Katie Vigesaa explains more.
Ignore calorie counts and instead focus on eating real foods to lose weight.