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*Because everyone is unique, individual results vary.
My asthma was getting in the way of high-intensity training for Ironman competitions. I had to use a corticosteroid inhaler at night and every morning, and two prescription medications to manage my asthma plus I still ended up needing to use my rescue inhaler to get through training sessions. In fact, I purchased a special belt pack specifically designed to hold an inhaler, and wore it every time I ran or biked. I had been looking into holistic ways to manage my asthma and allergies and ended up finding the Dishing Up Nutrition podcast. After listening to a few episodes, I decided to make an appointment with a nutritionist. I asked my husband to join me and we went in for a family nutrition counseling appointment.
At the first appointment with Brenna, she suggested several changes to our eating habits. Since I had been listening to the podcast, I was prepared for most of what she said, but it was nice to get specific meal and snack ideas geared toward endurance athletes. Brenna really took the time to understand our specific health concerns and needs as athletes. She showed us how to incorporate healthy carbs into our diets in appropriate amounts, instead of carb-loading.
The results have been impressive! I’ve enjoyed much better training sessions. Not only do I have more energy, but several times I’ve gone out for runs and forgotten my rescue inhaler—something I would never have forgotten in the past. I find that I rarely need it because I’m breathing so well. And I’m off of my other inhaler and prescription medications for asthma. I have clearer thoughts, and sleep sounder and wake up refreshed. I’m 55 and I feel great!
It’s unfortunate that people don’t give nutrition the respect it deserves. Like a car, you have to put good fuel in your body to get good performance. People wouldn’t put watered-down gas in their cars, but they do this to themselves with nutrient-depleted foods and then they suffer…by not feeling well or with a disease or condition. I’m so grateful that my husband Steve and I took steps to address our eating habits so we can live well and perform our best at our next Ironman. The benefits have been amazing.
Jamey was able to improve her energy and asthma symptoms with the power of nutrition education and personal support. Sign up for a nutrition consultation today and be on your way to improved health.
Find more advice for athletes in these additional articles and podcasts and be on your way to better health for good!
Myth-Busting Sports Nutrition
Nutrition for Peak Performance
Sports Nutrition